Should have done this last week when the news was more fresh, but since I am no longer on a deadline, I take advantage of those opportunities.

In any case, on the right is a photograph of yours truly standing next to the winning entry. The photo was shot by a good friend and fellow artist, Ed Aufdenkampe.
Interestingly enough, Ed's file name was Still Life Michael B Paolercio. Still not sure whether he was referring to the painting or me. Hmmmmm .....
Both of my entries were pastel pieces that were inspired by an excellent workshop that I took in November in Rising Sun, IN. The instructor, Cindy Haase, made pastel painting a much easier process for me than it has been in the past. Very good teacher, I say.
The last note that needs mention is the sweatshirt I am wearing in the photo. It is an image of one of the many paintings by my favorite artist, Frank Frazetta. More on him in a later blog, but I had to point out what I was wearing in case your curiosity got the better of you.
The farewell came later that same evening when, after four-plus years, I decided to close my studio at the Loveland Art Studios. A difficult decision for me because I truly enjoyed my time there. There are many outstanding artists there whose company I will miss. Still, support for the local artist hasn't been the best in this economy, yet the rent still comes due.
We started out with five artists back in September of 2008 and while many came and went in the studio, the final three of us -- Janie Yates (left), me (yes, I think I was still sober), and Marcia Greenwald (right, who was there from the beginning) -- are pictured below.
Where I go from here is still up in the air. Stay tuned and I will provide that update when I know it. Hopefully, more promptly than this post.

While I entered three pieces in the show, my personal favorite was Putting on the Ritz, which I featured in the previous entry. However, this time, Eldon is the real star being held by my son-in-law, Dr. Michael Heile. Eldon is his brother's son.

That's it for now. Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy and Safe New Year!!!